Become a fan on facebook and receive 10% off AND free shipping on your first order. You can use this offer even if you have been a fan for awhile, but have yet to use this promo code. (promo code = FOUNDUONFB)
If you are a longtime fan and have already used the FOUNDUONFB code, come back again and use promo code FOUNDUONFB2 for 10% off! (please do not submit code in paypal--I will manually process your refund sometime before shipment)
Find me on Facebook as "MamaBethBling."
Please inform your friends of this great deal and invite them to become a fan! This promo will end October 31st, right before the holiday rush and may not be available until sometime later in 2010.
**Please remember to place your holiday orders early. I recommend placing all orders before the end of November.
Please note: Free shipping on international orders reduces your shipping fee to $1.50. Please pay in full at time of purchase and discount will be refunded back to you sometime before shipment of item. Promo codes may not be used on rushed orders or combined with any other offer.
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